Friday, December 30, 2011

Goldman Sachs rules the world?

Maxine Croxall had a frank interview with BBC, he expects Eurozone market to be crashed and he did state a statement which may shock a lot of people "Goldman Sachs rules the world".

From what I'm seeing, the Euro was on the downfall against most major currency, it has been on the fall for the last two month, but last few days, I see big surge of buying on Euro futures, is it a sign of recovery. We'll see. We'll see what happen in 2012, it's expected to be an extraordinary year. We'll see...

Here's the full interview. What do you reckon?


  1. I'm shocked when hearing this...

  2. yup, I was a bit shocked when hearing this guy talk on live TV too but I personally think that what he's talkin about make a lot of sense and it has held true thus far.

  3. It's funny how people act surprised.

  4. Europe just isn't what it used to be

  5. Yup, has been since it went investment bank after WW2
