Warren Buffett, yes, the name speaks for itself, one of greatest investor of all time and probably the best in my generation, who has built steady portfolio over a span of years until now. He's no doubt the very best out there, books written about him, movies starring hims, magazine have him on cover pages; the man are just so good at it, and today, I'll bring to you some of his quotes which I consider the best, which seems simple but simplicity is the name of the game.
- On earnings: "Never depend on single income. Make investment to create second source."
For most people these days, they have a job and they earn a living from that job, despite of using that currently-free money to invest elsewhere, they insist on keeping it for future usages but they won't know that, in a year, price of certain good would be double, which in verse mean that their saving amount has been cut by half in value despite of save sum of money.
- On spending: "If you buy thing you do not need, soon you have to sell thing you need."
Warren Buffett |
- On savings: "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what's left after saving."
Saving first, keep yourself a safe boat when you have some trouble, but remember to invest afterward to make second source income.
- On taking risk: "Never test the deep of water with both of your feet."
Meaning of this quote is that, never all-in in any situation but to test it first, if everything go according to plan, then make the full bet. For example, when you analyses a stock and you are certain that the stock is so bullish, you would need to test it first by for instant, buying 5 shares, if everything goes as what you expected, then buy another 10 shares, that would make it a safe bet.
- On investment: "Do not put all your eggs in one basket."
This's another type of mistake that investor usually have, which's put all his/her eggs in one basket like betting all on a certain stock despite of diversify his porpolio.
- On expectations: "Honesty is very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people"
Don't expect too far and good things won't come from cheap people.
Warren Buffet is an investing legend for a good reason.